Chronic Illness Therapy: Support and Understanding for a Better Life

Understanding Your Journey

“Living with a chronic illness is a journey of managing limited energy and facing deep grief and loss from missed opportunities and changes in what you can do. It affects your time with family, friends, and work often in ways that others can't see. Having walked this path myself, I am inspired to help others navigate these struggles."

– LaTonya Washington, LICSW-S, LCSW, Owner & Therapist

Common Challenges of Living with a Chronic Illness

Living with a chronic illness can feel like carrying an invisible burden. Do you often face these challenges?

  • Despite constant pain, fatigue, and other symptoms, do others fail to see or fully understand what you're going through?

  • Do you feel misunderstood and unsupported by family and friends who seem to doubt or minimize your experiences?

  • Does your doctor dismiss your symptoms as just being due to stress, anxiety, or as “all in your head”?

  • Is your suffering prolonged due to delays in diagnosis and treatment?

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by the stress and anxiety that comes with managing symptoms, medical appointments, and self-advocacy?

  • Are flare-ups from ongoing stress and limitations causing frustration?

  • Does the unpredictability of your illness cause anxiety, anger, sadness, and a sense of loss for the life you once knew?

  • Are you struggling with guilt and shame because of being unable to keep up with your previous activity levels or frequently canceling plans because you don’t feel well?

  • Do you hesitate to share your experiences for fear of judgment or pity?

  • Are you exhausted from constantly having to explain your condition?

  • Have you had to make significant lifestyle changes that are affecting your personal and professional life as you manage your symptoms?

 How Can Therapy Help?

  • Therapy provides a safe space to express your feelings and connect with someone who understands what it’s like to live with a chronic illness.

  • Learn healthy coping strategies and effective ways to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges.

  • Therapy can help you rebuild your confidence through compassionate and understanding support. It can help you regain a sense of control and improve your quality of life.

Take the Next Step

Don’t let chronic illness define your life. Reach out today to learn how therapy can help you navigate the complexities of living with a chronic illness and find ways to enhance your well-being.

Together, we can face these challenges as you find strength, support, and strategies to manage your chronic illness and improve your quality of life.