Medical Trauma


Health Related Anxiety

Are you Experiencing Medical Trauma?

  • Have you had medical experiences that have left you feeling traumatized, making it difficult to undergo even the most routine, treatments or check-ups?

  • Are you tired of being flooded with intrusive thoughts or nightmares about medical events?

  • Are these memories affecting your daily life and mental well-being?

  • Have you lost trust in the health care system and health care professionals?

  • Has a traumatic medical experience robbed you of trust in doctors and the healthcare system, causing anxiety and avoidance?

  • Perhaps you have faced bias or discrimination in medical settings?

  • Maybe you feel that your race, culture, or ethnicity has led to unfair treatment or dismissal of your symptoms?

  • Do you feel misunderstood by healthcare providers? Are your cultural or ethnic backgrounds not being considered in your treatment plans, leading to feelings of alienation?

  • Is it challenging to communicate your health needs? Are language barriers or cultural differences making it difficult to advocate for yourself and receive appropriate care?

Are you struggling with Health-Related Anxiety?

  • Are you constantly worried about your health? Do you find yourself frequently anxious about potential illnesses or interpreting minor symptoms as serious conditions?

  • Does health anxiety interfere with your daily life? Is your worry about health impacting your ability to focus, work, or enjoy activities?

  • Do you avoid medical appointments out of fear? Are you postponing or skipping check-ups and treatments because of overwhelming anxiety?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by anxiety and fear? Is the constant worry about your health or medical experiences causing significant stress and emotional distress?

  • Are you struggling with feelings of helplessness? Do you feel powerless in managing your health and anxiety, leading to frustration and despair?

  • Is your sleep affected by anxiety? Are you experiencing insomnia or poor sleep quality due to health-related fears and intrusive thoughts?

Therapy can help!

Through therapy you will:

  • Learn techniques to manage anxiety related to medical experiences

  • Develop coping strategies to reduce stress and promote relaxation

  • Process and work through traumatic medical experiences

  • Build confidence to advocate for the care you deserve

  • Strengthen resilience to handle future medical challenges

  • Gain tools to effectively communicate and advocate for yourself in medical settings

  • Improve overall mental well-being and quality of life

Start your healing journey today and take the first step toward a brighter, healthier future. Therapy can help you heal from medical trauma and health-related anxiety. With my years of experience in health care social work and personal experience, I offer a caring and informed approach to therapy. Discover how therapy can transform your life and help you overcome medical trauma and anxiety. Begin your path to renewed confidence, resilience, and well-being now.