Brainspotting Therapy

A Path to Healing

What is Brainspotting Therapy?

Brainspotting is a type of therapy that helps people deal with emotional and physical pain, trauma, and other tough feelings. It was developed by Dr. David Grand in 2003. This therapy uses the brain's natural ability to heal itself.

How Does Brainspotting Work?

In Brainspotting, a therapist helps you find specific points in your visual field, called "brainspots," that relate to your emotional experiences. The therapist uses a pointer to guide your eyes until you find a spot that triggers feelings or memories. By focusing on this spot, you can process and release deep-seated issues.

Benefits of Brainspotting Therapy

  • Brainspotting helps people who have experienced trauma process and overcome painful memories.

  • It helps you manage your emotions better.

  • This therapy can help with headaches, chronic pain, and fatigue caused by stress and trauma.

  • Athletes, artists, and professionals can use Brainspotting to overcome mental blocks and improve their performance.

  • Brainspotting is highly effective in addressing acute trauma, helping individuals quickly process and reduce distressing symptoms shortly after a traumatic event.

Brainspotting includes several techniques:

BioLateral Sound

This uses sounds that alternate between the ears to help with processing.

Outside Window

The therapist finds brainspots by watching your eye movements and body language.

Inside Window

You find brainspots based on how you feel inside.

Dual Attunement and the Therapeutic Relationship

Who Can Benefit from Brainspotting Therapy?

A key part of Brainspotting is the dual attunement frame, which involves both the therapist's attunement to the client and the client's attunement to their own inner experience. This relational approach strengthens the therapeutic bond, making the process more effective. The therapist is deeply connected and responsive to the client's emotional state, providing a safe and supportive environment for healing.

Brainspotting can help people with:

Trauma and PTSD
Acute Trauma
Anxiety and Depression
Chronic Pain and Fatigue
Performance Anxiety
Phobias and Panic Attacks
Substance Abuse
Medical Trauma
Health-Related Anxiety
Vicarious Trauma
What to Expect in a Brainspotting Session
In a Brainspotting session, you'll work with your therapist in a safe, supportive setting. Sessions usually include:

In a Brainspotting session, you'll work with your therapist in a safe, supportive setting. Sessions usually include:


Your therapist will talk with you to understand your needs.

Brainspotting Technique

The therapist will guide your gaze to find brainspots.


You'll focus on the brainspot while your therapist helps you through any feelings or physical sensations that come up.


Your therapist will help you understand and use what you've learned in your daily life.

 FAQs About Brainspotting Therapy

  • Sessions usually last between 60 to 90 minutes.

  • Yes, Brainspotting is a safe and non-invasive therapy done in a supportive setting with a trained therapist.

  • The number of sessions depends on your needs. Some people feel better in a few sessions, while others may need more.

  • Yes, Brainspotting works well with other therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), EMDR, and talk therapy.

  • Both Brainspotting and EMDR help with trauma, but they use different methods. EMDR uses guided eye movements to process memories. Brainspotting focuses on specific eye positions that relate to emotions and physical sensations. Brainspotting is more flexible, letting you lead the process based on your feelings.

  • Brainspotting intensives are extended therapy sessions that last several hours or even a few days. They are designed for deep, focused work on specific issues. Intensives can be very effective for processing trauma and making significant progress in a short time. To learn more about Brainspotting intensives, visit here.

Please know this:

Healing is possible.